Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Well, three p.m. has come and gone, and all I got in the post was a flyer for window cleaning and another for the Green Linnet Kebab House. At times like these, I turn to Alycia Smith's poetry. Here's her LOVE ATHWART, recently co-3rd winner in the Tifton Gazette Easter Verse competition (winner: Henry Gobb). I reproduce it in full:

When clouds were grey you gave me a lift -
Not with a smile or a glass of champagne -
But struggling in first up Tifton Hill
In your Austin Allegro in the pouring rain.

On a more positive note, I now host Google ads (scroll to the bottom of this page)!!! Every time you click on one, I get paid a squillion quid (apparently), so please do click on all of them. After all, it costs you nothing and it may make me the arts supremo I've always dreamed of becoming. Watch out, Dickie Attenborough!!!!

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