Friday, April 29, 2005

Assessments panic!!!

Hello, my loyal readers!!! Shaun here!! I haven't died!!! I know I've been very remiss in not blogging recently - a mild form of profound depression (medical term Unenthusiastica Apathitis)afflicted me deeply and I found I could see no good in the world... Fortunately, it's lifted and I'm now incredibly happy again!!!

Vernon (course leader) emailed me to say that my attitude was "wanting" (sic) and that I would need to "change (my) attitude", which is remarkably arrogant of him. I don't know - I'm surrounded by arrogant people these days... perhaps that's why I've been battling with depression... Vernon has asked to see the directing advice I gave my fellow MFA students, and I keep telling him that I was in the room at the time so there was no need for any of them to actually read my advice!!! I mean, really!!! He also upbraded (sic) me for being "rude to Prat" and risking jeapordising the "whole Unit"!!! At times like these it's all I can do not to laugh contemptibly and dismiss such stuff!! But if theatre is about anything it is about conflict - so maybe I should celebrate such trials...

Anyway, he went on to inform me that an assessment is due in 2 weeks' time, based on my experiences at The Royal Shrug. He wants 3,000 words and a 10 minute presentation - I said that would be very difficult because I have a lot to say, not least about his (Vernon's) attitude... I must confess a growing sense of disappointment in Vernon's mien (a French word) and the course in general... I am an intellectual type, after all, and we intellectuals find it difficult to stoop to such shallows...

I'll keep you posted, okay!!! Don't forget to comment!!!

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