Thursday, May 12, 2005

Help requested for my upcoming assessment

Next week is my first ever assessment thingy!!! Very exciting because I'm going to be judged on things like haircut, intensity of expression, seriousnessness, and (most importantly) IMPORTANCENESS!!! Anyway, here is a little taster of what I shall be doing as my presentation. I will be bringing a small CD player so that I can be accompanied by some Tschaikovsky - music is integral to performance and this will be a performance, albeit one without my usual set and costume changes:

Darkness. A hush. Enter THE STUDENT. Distant music (Tschaikovsky).

STUDENT: My experience at The Royal Shrug was not without paradigms or syntax. (Pause.) Effectively, it was what all theatre should be. It was and remains an artistic synthesis of values, committed by, to and for: The Other. (Pause.) Ergo. (Pause.) What it can NEVER be is WITHOUT. For what is outside the ACT is withoutside the ART. (Long pause.) Allow me to explain, and if not explain, then explicate...

This is just a rough outline of what I choose to call my Overture. I will of course decorate it with slides and conjecture to keep it thrilling (in an intellectual way)... I expect I'll get an A++++ but I must remain indifferent, if only for the sake of my fellow students. They may be less gifted but they have their talents, I'm sure...

Watch this space!! And do please offer critiques and observations: I may not be able to reply individuously but I will read every one and I'm sure they will be useful!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Shaun,

I noticed that you have an assessment coming up, and I think your ideas are very exciting. I have long thought that theatre is an artistic synthesis of values, committed by, to and for: The Other - and I'm glad you said it first.
I read your blogspot every night, even if you haven't written anything, and I think it would be great to meet up and discuss ideas and transtextual relationships in theatre.
What are your thoughts?
Yours seemingly,
Jimmy Munter

Shaun Spock said...

Dear Jimmy - How kind of you to recognise the immediate and (to my mind) obvious in what I like to call A Blog in Progress (for what is progress if it isn't the metatheatrical equivalent of a journey between two or more points?). I would be more than thrilled to meet up: I must aver at this point that I don't do small-talk or chitchat. Life (and indeed theatre) is far too important. But if you're willing to lock brains and discuss paradigms and intertextualities I'm your man!! Keep reading my blog, especially when I don't write anything. My silent pauses are merely interims on my intellectual journey of discovery... - Shaun

Anonymous said...

You're fascinating.

Shaun Spock said...

My fascinating what??? I'm sorry but I don't understand.