Friday, July 01, 2005

The weather is getting warmer

Some call it summer. Those of us in the know can tell it's global warming. Just look at ice cream sales - going through the roof. Ice cream melts faster these days, which is why sales are going up, which can only mean one thing: I'm going up to Edinburgh this weekend to show the world I CARE. If you're wise, you'll join me. I'll be at Tifton Parkway railway station at 4am.

Be there or be unfair.

LIVEB8 - fish should be eaten, not ignored.


Anonymous said...

Hello Shaun

You may not remember me, but it's your old friend Bernard...remember? No? Don't tell me you've forgotten your old school chum Bernard Cantanker? Sat behind you in PE (rope climbing BTEC)? Ring any bells? We used to flick spit balls at old Gene Captain? What a hoot!!!
Anyway, congratualations on the blog. It's a truly original voice that I'm sure will be picked up by the world's media soon. Keep up the inspired work ;-)

Shaun Spock said...

You're right, Bernard - I don't remember you!!! But that's as much to do with my hectic schedule as your lack of celebrity!!! Don't sweat it!!! I get this all the time - people claiming to by my old chums when all they want is a piece of my fame!!

Thanks for the support - this blog is truly destined to change minds!! As Chris Martin said about LiveB8 - "people who are cynical are stupid." Too right, Chris - and I'm sure Gwyneth & Apple agree!!!