Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's Super Tuesday!

I always call Tuesdays super, because it's the first day of the week (after Sunday and Monday) that contains the letters d, a, and y.

Often mispronounced chews-day, it is in fact Tyooz-day (as in 'Tyooz a pencil when you have a pen would be stupid')

Other interesting facts about Tuesday:

1) It is the only day in the week that begins with T (apart from Thursday)
2) It precedes Saturday by three days
3) It is the Christian name of the late former wife of the late former Dudley Moore*
4) It is named after Shrove Tuesday, when Jesus baked pancakes for the nicest of his disciples (unfortunately, there were no lemons in far off days, because Herod had banned them)

*Tuesday Weld


Anonymous said...

As president of the "Start The Week On Wednesday" Society, I object strongly to your fatuous comments about Tuesday and would ask you to remove all mention of them from the Inter Net. You may think it funny but the idea of starting the week on Tuesday is in fact extremely offensive to many people who do not share your inane and, I might add, provocative views.
yours, Zeegfreed Bassoon

Shaun Spock said...

Dear Mr Bassoon -

You miss my point. As do I.

Lovingly -

Shaun Spock
Pholisipher & Savant