Sunday, March 27, 2005

Those pesky clocks!!

Note to self: "Spring forward; Fall back." Needless to say, I got it wrong again this year!!! Mum called me down for breakfast at 6am this morning (I thought), but it was only after I'd told her what a miserable old fart she was (it's okay - friendly Spock family banter - lots of theatrical gestures and rolling consonants!!!) that she reminded me that the clocks always go forward and I realised the error of my ways... slapped wrists all round, I think (not!!!)!!!

Bit disappointed that I've had no comments on my blog so far. I mean, when you think there are over six million people on this planet and the web is like a global forum (my italics). Still, mustn't get downhearted. It's important for my future MFA that I develop a thick skin to deal with the "knocks and blows of misfortune" (gosh, isn't the Scottish Play one of the best plays ever!!!).

Colin (Phelps - composer) emailed me to say we'd had another bad review for A MILLION DEFINITIONS. I asked him to re-frame that comment and try to see the positive side. A bad review is only a good review that has lost its sheen, after all.

Quite a cloudy morning, but only because the sun is too shy to make an entrance.

Onwards! Oh yes, and HAPPY EASTER to all Green Room friends out there!!! Don't overdo the chocolate!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Spock,
A dear friend of mine, Sir Sven O'Smifter, suggested I visit your blog in order to give you some feedback. I am a computer professional and long-time blog devotee. You may be interested to know that a group of similar minded bloggers meet regularly on platform three (the upline) at Watford Junction railway station. Most people assume we are simple train spotters but nothing could be further from the truth. (Wednesdays 7-10pm, I'm the one without the anorak).
Firstly my commiserations on losing your sight (eyes?). Clearly your left eye is completely buggered, but do you have any vision in the right eye, or do you use a seeing-eye dog to type?
Secondly, the appalling acne. Forgive me if this is a recent nettle-rash in which case Dock Leaves are a must, but if those things are squeezable, you've clearly got a problem. I had a similar affliction when I was a teenager, but cleared it up with topical antibiotic, which I assume you use by the bucket-load. A friend of mine with an even worse case tried suicide, and was successful. Rigor mortis seemed to wipe them out completely and of course the cremation ensured they would never return.
Hope this is of some help.
Nigel Beanstalk, Thane of Cawdor.

Shaun Spock said...

Dear Mr Beanstalk - I'm afraid I'm at a loss to understand your comment. I have no interest in train spotting (this is theatre-lover's blog) and my sight is 24/7. Nor do I suffer from acne, although the admittedly poor quality of my profile photo may give that impression. My hunch is that you are trying to mock my blog - or see something humorous in my earnest attempts to celebrate the "Living Arts". can only wish you well and God speed. - Shaun Spock

Shaun Spock said...

Correction: An "a" and an "I" somehow got lost in the publication of my response. pologise.